Daddilife: Diet Advice for Dads
Advice from Dr Ross Perry
Dr Ross Perry advises new fathers on how to look after themselves with a healthy diet on, a parenting blog for dads.
As the blog explains:
“Broken nights, long days, and the never ending juggling act that comes with combining work with a young family. It’s no surprise that some of us let ourselves go a bit in the early weeks, months and years of fatherhood.”
Founder of Cosmedics’ Skin Surgery & Laser Clinic, Dr Ross Perry is also a highly experienced GP and is often asked to provide expert opinion on health matters.
His useful tips are designed to help new dads.
Dr Ross Perry explains the problem:
“It’s very easy with a newborn to forget to look after yourself, and despite possibly being up during the night the easy option may seem to skip breakfast and grab a quick and possibly unhealthy snack. The immediate sugar hit might feel good at the time but energy levels will soon dip.”
For breakfast, he recommends a homemade smoothie including spinach, pineapple, mango and banana which he says:
“will keep those energy levels up and hunger pangs at bay.”
Planning Ahead
Ross advises new dads to plan and prepare food ahead:
“It’s probably the last thing you feel like doing but having pre-prepared meals in the fridge takes away the stress and time of finding something to cook. Once again it’s easy to grab something ‘on the run’ which will make you feel sluggish and tired.”
For summer, Ross suggests a roast chicken, which can be eaten over a couple of days with salads and veg:
“It’s packed full of protein and nutrients and it takes minimal effort.”
For winter, he recommends using a slow cooker:
“If you’re a new dad in the winter a slow cooker is super easy and minimal effort. Just add some good quality meat and tons of veg and let the magic happen. Again a casserole or chilli will last a good couple of days.”
What to Drink
Hydration is key, as dehydration makes us feel lethargic and more likely to reach for a sugary snack. Dr Perry advises avoiding caffeine or alcohol and energy drinks too:
“I’d also avoid any kind of energy drinks. Other than water, the mixture of ingredients, rarely, if ever, contain anything natural.”
Read the full article at
Skin Surgery Laser Clinics
Dr Ross Perry is a qualified and experienced London GP, who founded Cosmedics Skin Clinics in 2003, an independent company specialising in skin treatments such as removal of lesions/blemishes.
Cosmedics’ Skin Surgery Laser Clinic offer private mole removal at a selection of clinics based in London and Bristol. Moles are removed using the latest surgical techniques including laser mole removal; with trained doctors and surgeons.
Our team of qualified and experienced doctors and surgeons also treat other skin blemishes, including sebaceous cysts, skin tags, warts and lipoma using freezing, laser or surgical techniques.
For ultimate peace of mind, Cosmedics Skin Surgery Laser Clinic offer a thorough top to toe mole check carried out by their trained and experienced doctors.
For more information or to book a consultation, please complete the form on this web page or call 020 7386 0464.