Express: Resistant Warts on Fingers and Hands
Many people struggle with stubborn warts that don’t respond to over the counter treatments.
The Express asked wart removal expert Dr Ross Perry for his advice in their health feature:
“‘Resistant’ warts on fingers and palms – skin doctor provides solutions to get rid of it”
Warts are unsightly growths of skin that can appear anywhere on the body or face. They are contagious, being caused by the human papilloma wart virus (HPV virus), so they can easily spread and be passed onto other people too.
The first port of call is often to try a wart treatment solution from the chemist, but the article explains that it’s quite common for warts to fail to disappear after DIY treatment:
“If you find these lumps do not respond to over-the-counter treatment, GP Dr Ross Perry is not surprised.”
Ross told The Express:
“Treating warts can be a very long and frustrating experience [for the patient].
“Over-the-counter remedies such as solutions and home-freezing sprays may appear a cheap alternative, but they are often ineffective.”
What’s more, he warned that if warts didn’t clear up after treatment, they are likely to get worse and continue to grow and/or spread.
“If [the treatments] don’t work, the problem is likely to get worse.
“If you have attempted to treat your warts, but they continue to come back, the treatment has failed to kill the virus.”
Recommended Wart Removal Treatments
Dr Ross Perry explained the medical treatments for removing warts that are likely to give a much better and faster result than DIY solutions.
Laser wart removal
“For those who’ve failed elsewhere, a laser is an excellent option for removing warts. The laser penetrates the skin to destroy the papillomavirus beneath the skin’s surface, so that the wart is finally gone.”
Dr Perry uses local anaesthetic which means that the treatment is not painful:
“The treatment itself is surprisingly comfortable.”
In terms of side-effects, patients can expect some blistering before the wound heals:
“After treatment, the skin will blister for a few days then go red. Wounds generally healed in under a week.”
Cryotherapy (wart freezing)
In this procedure, Dr Ross Perry uses liquid nitrogen to chill the area and freeze the skin cells until they die. He explains that it may take more than one treatment:
“The duration and number of treatment cycles depend on the skin type and the nature of the problem.”
In terms of side-effects:
“It is quite usual for the skin to blister afterwards for a few days then go red. Most of the wounds would have healed in under a week.”
Wart removal surgery
In severe cases, doctors can surgically remove the wart(s) to ensure they’re completely eliminated. This is carried out as follows:
“cut the wart off with an electric needle or cryosurgery”
The Express concludes:
“Whatever decision you decide to make, rest assured that there are removal methods out there that actually work”
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Skin Surgery Laser Clinics
Dr Ross Perry is a qualified and experienced London NHS GP, who founded Cosmedics Skin Clinics in 2003, an independent company specialising in skin treatments such as removal of lesions/blemishes.
Cosmedics’ Skin Surgery Laser Clinic offer private mole removal at a selection of clinics based in London and Bristol. Moles are removed using the latest surgical techniques including laser mole removal; with trained doctors and surgeons.
Our team of qualified and experienced doctors and surgeons also treat other skin blemishes, including sebaceous cysts, skin tags, warts and lipoma using freezing, laser or surgical techniques.
For ultimate peace of mind, Cosmedics Skin Surgery Laser Clinic offer a thorough top to toe mole check carried out by their trained and experienced doctors.
For more information or to book a consultation, please complete the form on this web page or call 020 7386 0464.