What are Skin Tags?

Most people, at a certain point of their life will develop skin tags, although there are people who are more vulnerable to getting it than others. They are common occurrences on the skin that are brought about by a number of reasons. They are most commonly found on the areas where the skin rubs against skin. However, they can grow and appear in any part of the body or face.

People with skin tag report spotting them on their underarms, neck, eyelids and folds in the skin.

Skin tags look like small round growths on the skin that are sprouting out of the surface. Often times, skin tags are the same colour as your skin or slightly more pigmented or slightly less pigmented. Skin tags vary in sizes and appearance from person to person. Skin tags, depends on their size, colour and where they are situated in your body can look quite unpleasing to the eyes. People with skin tags often opt to undergo a procedure to remove the skin tag. This is a harmless procedure that would not lead to the growth of more skin tags. Current treatments that are used to remove skin tags include freezing, cutting the skin tag and tying it with a thread.

What causes skin tags?

When collagen is collected in a significant amount under a fold of skin, skin tags can form. Obesity is blamed to be one of the main causes of skin tags. Sometimes, skin tags just fall off on their own but in other cases; they persist for a longer period of time. Skin tags are not common in young adults and children. However, children may develop them too especially if they have many folds in their skin.

Who gets skin tags?

Skin tags are fairly common. Skin tags can affect almost everyone of any gender, especially after middle age. However, there are people with higher risks of getting skin tags. For example, people who are obese because of the folds on their skin. Women who are with child are more susceptible to skin tags because of the dramatic fluctuation of hormones in their bodies. People who suffer from diabetes are also prone to getting skin tags. Even the excessive use of steroids can cause skin tags to growth because the balance of chemicals in the body is disrupted.

Are skin tags harmful?

Skin tags are benign. They are just merely a harmless growth on the skin that you should not worry about. Skin tags, unlike moles or warts are not indicators of underlying cancer or tumours. They are just abnormalities caused by skin rubbing against each other. However, in very rare cases, skin tags can often become cancerous. You can know if there is more to your skin tag than just a skin abnormality if it starts to bleed and changes its colours. Skin tags, unlike warts, are not contagious because they are not infections caused by virus. Skin tags are not contracted from direct contact with other people who have skin tags.