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Skin Tag Expert Featured on NetDoctor

The Skin Surgery & Laser Clinic founder, Dr Ross Perry, has been featured as an expert on skin tags by NetDoctor, who have published his article on “Skin tag removal, causes and treatment tips” for their millions of regular visitors.

Dr Ross Perry has worked in the field of skin lesions for many years and was therefore chosen by NetDoctor to explain the issues surrounding skin tags, a common skin lesion which is not contagious or dangerous, but nevertheless causes great concern for patients.

He has removed thousands of skin tags, moles, warts, cysts and other skin lesions in his career, which encompasses work both in the NHS as a GP and skin cancer reconstruction doctor – as well as in the private sector, where he carries out removal of unwanted skin blemishes in his London clinics.

The full article is available at

What do skin tags look like?

Dr Perry told NetDoctor that skin tags have quite a distinctive appearance:

“…protruding bits of skin, sticking out like little pillars. They tend to be quite soft and flexible and can be flicked from side to side.”

Skin tags or warts?

Some people confuse skin tags for warts, which are a contagious viral condition. Dr Ross says that skin tags do look different:

“They do not have the speckled ‘cauliflower’ appearance which characterises warts and are not uncomfortable or painful in themselves.”

Are skin tags a problem?

As skin tags are not painful, contagious or any other medical concern, they are classed as a ‘cosmetic’ issue by the NHS and therefore treatment is very limited.

However, many patients do have concerns about how they look, as Ross says:

“…they can look unpleasant, especially when they are on the face or neck or a large crop appears.”

The other issue is more practical in nature as there is a risk

“…skin tags can catch on clothing or in zippers or jewellery, which can be very painful.”

There is no virus or bacterial cause to skin tags. They are not contagious.

They commonly appear as a result of rubbing or friction, so risk factors are excess weight and tight clothing. They can also run in families, so there is a genetic predisposition.

Skin Tag Removal

Dr Ross Perry removes skin tags regularly at the Skin Surgery & Laser Clinic’s 4 London locations, where he is joined by a number of other practising skin lesion removal doctors.

The company also has a clinic based in Bristol.

Skin Surgery Laser Clinics

Dr Ross Perry is a qualified and experienced London GP, who founded Cosmedics Skin Clinics in 2003, an independent company specialising in skin treatments such as removal of lesions/blemishes.

Cosmedics’ Skin Surgery Laser Clinic offer private mole removal at a selection of clinics based in London and Bristol. Moles are removed using the latest surgical techniques including laser mole removal; with trained doctors and surgeons.

Our team of qualified and experienced doctors and surgeons also treat other skin blemishes, including sebaceous cysts, skin tags, warts and lipoma using  freezing, laser or surgical techniques.

For ultimate peace of mind, Cosmedics Skin Surgery Laser Clinic offer a thorough top to toe mole check carried out by their trained and experienced doctors.

For more information or to book a consultation, please complete the form on this web page or call 020 7386 0464.