mother wart

Stop ‘Mother Warts’ from Breeding/Spreading

Having a wart is bad enough, but warts are highly contagious, which means that if unchecked, just one wart can quickly become ‘mother wart’ to a whole family.

Warts are caused by a viral infection in the top layer of the skin which causes the cells to grow rapidly, creating an unsightly and sometimes uncomfortable hard lump.

It’s important to take action against the virus to stop warts from breeding and becoming even more of a problem.

‘Mother warts’ can give rise to further warts in the same area – so a wart on the thumb may generate other warts next to it.

However, they can also spread the infection to other parts of the body. So a wart on the thumb might spread to fingers, which could in turn generate warts on the face where the virus has been transferred.

How to Avoid Spreading Warts

  1. Be aware of cuts and grazes
    • The papillomavirus (HPV) usually gets in through a scratch or graze
    • Be aware of the risk and be careful about cuts from shaving, biting fingernails and other activities that could create scratches
  2. Don’t share
    • Anything that could spread a wart
    • If you know you have warts, avoid sharing your own towels, razors etc
    • If you are looking to avoid getting the infection, don’t borrow any of the above
  3. Don’t touch
    • Avoid scratching, picking or touching any existing warts
    • Otherwise, they can easily spread
  4. Cover them
    • Keeping a plaster over your wart is a really simple way to stop it spreading
  5. Treat them
    • Getting rid of warts is the ultimate way to stop them spreading

Warts can take months or even years to go away of their own accord. In that time, they not only get bigger and tougher, but also are likely to spread to areas close by, other parts of the body and even other people.

The best way to avoid spreading a wart is to get rid of it as early as possible, before it has had chance to get too established and/or spread.

DIY Wart Removal Options

  1. Liquid/topical products
    • If the treatment is started early enough, over the counter preparations might be effective
    • Liquid preparations usually contain salicylic acid
  2. Freezing kits
    • DIY wart freezing kits are now available in the chemists.

Be aware that home treatment solutions are not as strong as those available to doctors. Results are not guaranteed, but the chances of treating a fairly young/fresh wart are higher than a gnarly large and old one. So start as soon as possible.

Professional Wart Treatments

  1. Freezing/Cryotherapy
    • Doctors and skin clinics are able to offer a more aggressive freezing treatment than the DIY kits
    • This will penetrate the skin more deeply and is suitable for larger/tougher warts
    • 2-3 sessions may be required
  2. Laser/Surgery
    • For more resistant warts or verrucas, doctors can user laser
    • In extremely stubborn cases, wart removal surgery may be the last resort. This would remove the area affected by the wart virus, allowing new skin to grow

Wart Removal London & Bristol

Treatment using  freezing, laser or surgical techniques is available at Skin Surgery Laser Clinic who have a selection of locations conveniently based in London and Bristol.

All procedures are carried out by highly trained and experienced doctors and surgeons.

Many patients now choose private treatment for warts, as provision on the NHS is very limited – even where a service is available, there can be lengthy waiting times.

For more information or to book a consultation, please complete the form on this web page or call 020 7386 0464.