British Skin Foundation Moles Campaign
Check Your Loved Ones’ Moles this Valentine’s Day!
The British Skin Foundation is urging Brits to check their loved ones’ moles for Valentine’s Day.
Checking moles regularly is a vital health check which could help people to spot changes which could indicate skin cancer, yet many people don’t bother due to lack of understanding either of the importance, or of what to look for.
Dr Bav Shergill, consultant dermatologist and British Skin Foundation trustee, explained:
“Most skin cancers can be cured if detected early.”
“The best way to detect skin cancer is to check your skin regularly, about once a month.”
“You should Examine the skin all over your body from top to toe.”
“Ask a friend or member of your family member to look at areas you can’t see such as your scalp, ears and back.”
Things to look for include:
- Moles that are growing or changing shape
- Moles that are developing new colours
- Moles that are inflamed, bleeding, or red around the edge
- Moles that are particularly itchy or behaving unusually
What to Do
If you have any moles which are causing concern, then see a GP as soon as possible for a diagnosis and referral if necessary for the mole to be removed and tested. Don’t worry about bothering the GP, it is important to rule out any cause for concern and to treat suspicious moles as early as possible.
Cosmetic mole removal
Cosmetic moles cannot unfortunately be removed on the NHS. However, private mole removal is available with organisations such as Skin Surgery Laser Clinic who have a selection of clinics based in London and Bristol. Moles are removed using the latest surgical techniques including laser mole removal; with trained doctors and surgeons.
For more information or to book a consultation, please complete the form on this web page or call 020 7386 0464.