Harley St Mole/Cyst/Wart/Skin Tag Clinic
New London Location for 2018
Cosmedics Skin Clinics has announced that a new London Skin Surgery and Laser Centre is set to open on Harley Street during January 2018.
The clinic will offer a range of private treatments for unwanted skin blemishes and lesions using state of the art laser technology, microcautery techniques, cryotherapy (freezing) and minor skin surgery carried out on a day case basis.
Their new location will be based at:
41 Harley Street
This is a few doors away from the current base at 75 Harley Street, but the premises are more spacious, allowing for a greater number of patients to be seen.
Cosmedics’ founder, Medical Director and Aesthetic Doctor, Dr Ross Perry MBBS says:
“We are just finishing refurbishment of our Harley Street clinic and are looking forward to welcoming patients to our beautiful new premises next year.
“London’s Harley Street is the natural location for medical services such as skin treatments. Being in the heart of the UK’s best known medical district, it is central and offers excellent links to travel, close to underground stations and a short taxi ride from the major train stations, so patients from further afield can also access our treatments.”
Skin Surgery Laser Clinics
Cosmedics’ Skin Surgery Laser Clinic offer private mole removal at a selection of clinics based in London and Bristol. Moles are removed using the latest surgical techniques including laser mole removal; with trained doctors and surgeons. Where moles are removed, the lesion can be sent away to a specialised lab for testing – essential for full peace of mind where there may have been a concern about skin cancer/melanoma.
Our team of qualified and experienced doctors and surgeons also treat other skin blemishes, including sebaceous cysts, skin tags, warts and lipoma.
As a private company, Cosmedics Skin Clinics sees many patients who have been refused treatment on the NHS for issues that are deemed ‘cosmetic’ in nature. Patients can benefit from fast treatment as there are no waiting lists and rest assured that all procedures are carried out by specially trained doctors, who understand the need for a good aesthetic result.
Treatment using freezing, laser or surgical techniques is available at Skin Surgery Laser Clinic who have a selection of locations conveniently based in London and Bristol. All procedures are carried out by highly trained and experienced doctors and surgeons.
For more information or to book a consultation, please complete the form on this web page or call 020 7386 0464.