Quick Skin Assessment

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    First Name (required)

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    Your Email (required)

    Please upload a photo of your skin problem - you can add up to 3 photos

    Please describe your concerns about this mole/these moles

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    This is no replacement for a consultation, but many patients find it a quick and convenient first step to finding out more.

    Fast and Hassle-Free

    Most patients don’t know exactly what the lump or skin lesion is, so we offer an expert opinion to guide on the potential treatment and costs.

    Our online consultation form is designed to capture important patient information, which can then be assessed by one of our team of doctors. Simply answer a few questions and upload at least one good quality photo of the area in question.

    We can then give you our expert opinion and a guide on the price of any treatment.

    Our online mole assessment is here to help, taking the guesswork out of skin problems.

    What our clients say

    “This was so quick and easy and I really appreciated getting an idea of the cost before I came in for my appointment.”