i News – GP Recommends Sunscreen on Eyelids

GP, mole removal expert and health media spokesperson Dr Ross Perry has stressed the importance of daily sunscreen in i News feature:

“The golden health rules GPs swear by, from eating chocolate to ditching lie-ins”

Dr Perry told i News readers:

“Never forget to put on SPF, even on your eye lids.

The skin around our eyes is up to 10 per cent thinner than anywhere else, making it much more prone to skin cancer, UV damage and premature ageing.

The eyelids area is often neglected, particularly if we’re wearing sunglasses or it’s winter, and tend to think our eyes are fully protected which couldn’t be further from the truth.”

Dr Perry is an expert on skin cancer and moles who has been quoted widely in the UK media. He is founder and Aesthetic Doctor at Cosmedics Skin Clinics alongside working in NHS skin cancer reconstruction and as a part time GP.

To read more and get health tips from more doctors, please visit https://inews.co.uk/inews-lifestyle/golden-health-rules-gps-swear-by-chocolate-ditching-lie-ins-2182357?ico=most_popular.

Mole Checks

Cosmedics Skin Clinics’ doctors and surgeons offer full mole checks at their London and Bristol clinics. This is the most comprehensive review of moles and is designed to flag up anything suspicious. Through regular reviews, it can also monitor changing moles.

Where patients are more concerned about reviewing a specific mole, then a normal mole consultation is a shorter appointment to focus on that area with a view to suggesting the most appropriate treatment options. Where required, moles can usually be removed there and then as part of Cosmedics’ unique ‘See & Treat’ service.

Private Mole Removal

Cosmedics’ Skin Surgery Laser Clinics offer private mole removal at a selection of clinics based in London and Bristol. Moles are removed using the latest surgical techniques including laser mole removal; with trained doctors and surgeons.

For more information about moles, see:

For more information or to book a consultation, please complete the form on this web page or call 020 7386 0464.