Entries by andrea

Plan Mole Removal Over Christmas

Between Christmas and New Year, many UK adults are able to enjoy a few extra days off.  Once Christmas is over and the batteries are recharged, it’s a great opportunity to sort out any niggling medical issues. The only problem is that most clinics and companies are on a reduced service. However, Cosmedics do have […]

Men More Prone to Melanoma but Less Aware

Cancer Research UK has warned that men are more prone than women to die from skin cancer, yet medics say women are more likely to seek mole removal treatment.  To a certain extent, perhaps this is something of a self-fulfilling prophecy. By being more self-aware of the risks and signs of melanoma, more women visit […]

5 Star Review for Mole Removal

We’re pleased to share new 5 star review for our mole removal treatment: “I have had moles removed by Dr. Vardy on 2 occasions and have been very pleased with the results; no visible scars.” Cosmedics Skin Clinics are now collecting regular patient feedback via independent reviews website reviews.co.uk. Over 50 reviews have now been received […]

Moles On Arm Indicate Melanoma Risk

New findings by a group of Italian and UK researchers suggest that a person’s risk of developing melanoma can be quickly and simply assessed by counting the number of moles on one arm. The study looked at over 3,500 female twins and found that ‘total body nevus count’ (known as TBNC) is significantly predicted by the number of nevi […]

Anti-Perspirant and Underarm Cysts

Cysts on the skin are usually caused when the pores become blocked.  Antiperspirant products containing aluminium compounds are designed to inhibit sweating but they can also on occasion block the sweat glands. This can lead to a growth in the underarm area with a raised and uncomfortable bump which often looks and feels like a cyst. However, […]

Patient’s Verruca Was Actually Skin Cancer

A bride-to-be who thought a small mark on her foot was a verruca was horrified to discover it was actually skin cancer and is now warning others to be more vigilant. She noticed a pale spot on the sole of her foot and thinking it was a verruca, visited a chiropodist to have it treated […]

Choose Male or Female Doctors for Embarrassing Problems

Many patients suffer with skin issues in embarrassing or intimate genital areas. Common issues include: anal skin tags vaginal skin tags genital warts which appear on the penis or around the vagina moles in the private area Knowing that an experienced doctor will have seen it all before is of some reassurance, but patients are […]

Duct Tape DIY Wart Treatment

The internet is awash with DIY cures for common ailments. One such suggestion is that warts can be treated with duct tape or gaffer tape. Proponents of the treatment say that it’s cheap and easy. Duct tape is something that many houses have available and you can simply use that to cover up your warts […]

Moles vs Freckles – What’s the Difference?

Moles and freckles are often lumped together under a general banner of sun-related skin issues.  However, there are some key differences between the two. Freckles Medical name: ‘ephelides’ What are they made of? Concentrated clusters of the pigment melanin found on the skin What do they look like? Flat – not raised What causes them? Freckles tend to be […]

Cyst Removal Photos

Many people suffer with cysts or sebaceous cysts and would like to have them removed. They are generally quite harmless from a medical perspective. That means that they might not be approved for removal on the NHS, as they could be classed as a ‘cosmetic issue’. Having a prominent sebaceous cyst can cause cosmetic concerns, especially if […]

Future Hope for Melanoma Treatment

Scientists have identified the trigger which turns melanoma cells into deadly and invasive killers which get into the bloodstream or lymphatic system.  This discovery could pave the way for finding a future treatment for the potentially deadly disease, preventing its spread through the body by stopping it at that point where it becomes lethal. In […]